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Bridging the urban and rural gap by providing services and infrastructure facilities equally across all segments of the country is one of the keys focuses of the Government Policy Framework. Developingtransportnetworktoensureanefficientandenvironmentallyfriendlypublictransportsystemwillsupportachievingthisenvisagedtarget oftheGovernment.

Accordingly, the Government of Sri Lanka has entered into a Framework Financing Agreement on14th August 2017 with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to obtain a time slice multi-tranchefinancing facility up to an aggregate loan amount of USD 900 million to finance the SecondIntegrated Road Investment Program (Second, I Road Program) which is being implemented undertheMinistryofHighways.

The investment program is currently being implemented to improve the accessibility of the roadnetwork in rural areas, and thereby support rural economic and social development. Upgrading andmaintainingofabout3,400kilometers(km)ofruralaccessroadsinEastern, Northern, Uva,andWestern provinces to all-weather standards is being carried out under the Program. In addition, around 340 km of national roads between the selected rural communities and social economiccenters of the above provinces will be rehabilitated and maintained in good condition and alsoimprove the capacity of road agencies with respect to safeguards, road safety, maintenance, research capacity, and road design and construction. The overall program is scheduled to becompleted by 31st March 2027. The Government of Sri Lanka has obtained the first two tranchesamounting to USD 300 million out of the above USD 900 million to finance the ongoing contractsundertheProgram.

The Loan Agreement for the third Tranche of the Second I-road Program, amounting to USD 200million was signed by Mr. S R Attygalle, Secretary, Ministry of Finance, and Mr. Chen Chen, CountryDirector, ADB Resident Mission in Sri Lanka on 28th May 2021 on behalf of the Government of SriLankaandADBrespectively.

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