gov lk large

                0112 484 600 (Ext: 2252), 0112 151 406, 0112 484 517,  0112 484 600 (Ext: 1182), For More Details

Development Partner Name of the Programme Application Deadline Download Materials


JICA LTTP: Legal and Judicial Human Resources Development

1st November

1. Invitation Letter
2. Program Details
3. Official Application form
4. Annex.1(University list) 
5. Application Database file_2025
6. JICA Preliminary Consultation form for University

United Kingdom


Chevening: UK, fully funded Scholarship (2024-2025)
-One-year Master's Degree Programme at UK Universities


05th November 2024

1. General Information
2. Application 
3. General Information


Master’s and PhD Degree Programme -  SDGs Global Leader FY2025

31st  October 2024


1. ERD Letter
2. Application Form
3. General Information
4. Consultation Form
5. Briefing Session



Master’s Degree Programme at the Park Chung Hee School of Policy Saemaul (PSPS)


20th October 2024


1. ERD Letter
2. Program Outline. 



Master Degree – 01st November 2024
PhD Programme – 06th December 2024

1. Invitation Letter
2. Guidelines
3. Leaflet


Disaster Risk Reduction Programme

before the given deadlines 

1. ERD Letter
2. Program Outline. 


Program in Economic and Public Policy (PEPP)

before the given deadlines 

1. ERD Letter
2. Program Details
3. Program Outline


One year Master’s Scholarship Programme of KDI School of Public Policy and Management in the Republic of Korea – Spring 2025

 28th August 2024

1. ERD Letter
2. Program Details
3. Registration Link


Young Leaders Programme (YLP)

 26th August 2024

1. ERD Letter
2. Program Details
3. Guideline
4. Outline
5. Application Guideline
6. Application
7. Recommendation Form


MOFCOM Scholarship Programme - 2024

has been extended to 27th  May 2024

1. Invitation Letter
2. Brief Introduction
3. Program Details
4. More details


Australia Awards Scholarship - Intake 2025

The information session for “ Australian Awards Scholarships (AAS)—Intake for Academic Year 2025” - via Zoom on 19th March at 2.30 p.m.

Click here for more details on the Zoom meeting.

30th April 2024

1. Invitation Letter
2. Program Details
3. Booklet


KOICA Master’s Fellowship Programme to Sri Lanka – Nomination Request (01st Phase) - 2024

13th February 2024

1. Invitation Letter
2. Guidelines
3. Application Form


Master’s Degree Program in Infrastructure Management (IMP) at Yokohama National University (YNU) - From 2024 to 2026 Japan

07th March 2024

1. Invitation Letter
2.Program Details 3. Leaflet


JICA Long Term Training (Master’s Programme) – on “Creating Leaders for Clean Cities”
Toyo University and Nagoya University: September 2024 to September 2026
Hokkaido University: September 2024 to March 2027

15th February  2024

1.Invitation Letter
2.Program Details


Master of Urban Administration & Planning -

University of Seoul – Korea

07th March 2024

1.Invitation Letter
2.Program Details


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