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ITEC: Training Slots under the Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Scholarship Scheme of the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India for the Year 2024-2025 in India (Short-Term) –List- llI

Please refer to the invitation letter 

1. ERD Letter 
2. Program List
3. General Instructions
4. Program Details.


ITEC: Training Slots under the Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Scholarship Scheme of the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India for the Year 2024-2025 in India (Short-Term) –List- ll

Please refer to the invitation letter  

1. ERD Letter 
2. Program List
3. General Instructions
4. Program Details. 


Bridging Research to Policy - Sri Lanka - Australia Awards - South Asia & Mongolia

10th January 2025

Program Details


ITEC: Training Slots under the Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Scholarship Scheme of the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India for the Year 2024-2025 in India 

 Please refer to the invitation letter  

1. ERD Letter 
2. Program List
3. General Instructions
4. Program Details. 


Annual International Training Courses (AITC) 2024 – Online

Given the schedule

1. Invitation Letter
2. Programme List (Online)


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