SOE Commitments 2018.01.01-2018.12.31
Commitments 2023
The Government obtained foreign financing of USD 2,121 million by entering into 16 agreements with foreign development partners and lending agencies during the period under review. This consists of the USD 728.1 million under IMF-EFF arrangement, USD 550.0 million for the Economic Stabilization programme, and Financial Sector Stability and Reforms Program – Subprogram 1, USD 60.0 million for Second Integrated Road Investment Programme –Tranche 4 extended by the ADB, USD 495.6 million for RESET Development Policy Financing, and USD 196.2 million for the Social Protection Project extended by the International Development Association (IDA). Apart from loan agreements, the total of USD 90.6 million was received by the way of Official Development Assistance (ODA) through ten grant agreements with the Government of Japan, Government of the United States of America (USA), European Union (EU), Government of Korea, and the IDA during the year 2023.
During this period, IMF leads by its commitments amounting to USD 728.1 million, followed by the IDA (USD 696.0), ADB (USD 610.0 million), Japan ( USD 44.2 million), USA (USD 19.3 million), EU (USD 15.8 million) and Korea (USD 7.1 million), respectively.
The highest amount of commitment was made for the Budget Support sector which amounted to USD 1,774.0 million or 84 percent of the total commitments.
Complete list of Commitments : 2023 -Loans and Grants